
Blog de divulgação de assuntos geográficos, políticos, acadêmicos, curiosos...

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016



-Prakrit -> Sanskrit (1500-1350 BCE)
-6th Dynasty of Egypt
-Correct location of Jomon Japan
-Correct Japan and New Zealand
-Correct location of Donghu
-Remove “Armenian” label
-Add D’mt
-Remove “Canaanite” label
-Change Gojoseon
-Etruscan conquest of Corsica
-322: Southern Greece to Macedonia
-Remove “Gujarati” label (to 640)
-Genoa to Lombards 651 (not 750)
Add “Georgian” label from 1008-1021
-Rasulids should appear in 1228 (not 1245)
-Provence to France 1481 (not 1513)
-Yedisan to Ottomans in 1527 (not 1580)
-Cyprus to Ottoman Empire in 1571 (not 1627)
-Inner Norway to sweden in 1648 (not 1721)
-N. Russia annexed 1716, Peninsula annexed in 1732, E. Russia annexed 1750 (not 1753)
-Scania to Sweden in 1658 (not 1759)
-Newfoundland appears in 1841 (not 1870)
-Sierra Leone
-Sao Tome and Principe gain independence in 1975 (not 2016)
-Correct Red Turban Rebellion
Ab = Abhiras
Aby = Abyssinia
Agh = Aghlabids
Al = Caucasian Albania
Ala = Alemania
Andh = Andhrabhrtya
Arz = Arzawa
Arm = Armenia
Ash = Ashanti
Ask = Assaka
Assy/As = Assyria
At = Atropatene
Aus = Austria
Av = Avanti
Ayu = Ayutthaya
Az = Azerbaijan
Bab = Babylon
Bami = Bamiyan
BCA = British Central Africa Protectorate
Bn = Bana
BNW = Barotseland Northwest Rhodesia
Bo = Bohemia
BP = Bechuanaland Protectorate
Bu = Burgundy
C = Chetiya
Cam = Cambodia/Cameroon
Cap = Cappadocia
Cat = Catalonia
Cha = Chandellas
Cher = Chernigov
Chb = Chobanids
Cy = Cyrenaica
Cz = Czech Republic
Da = Damascus
Dby = Dabuyid Dynasty
Dn = Danishmends
Das = Dasarna
Do = Dorians
Dk = Dakshinpatha
DR = Dominican Republic
EAP = East Africa Protectorate
EG = East Germany
EK = East Kushan
ES = El Salvador
Esh = Eshnunna
Et = Etruscan Civilisation
FJ = Futa Jallon
Fra = Franks/Francia
FT = Futa Toro
Gaha = Gahadavala
Gal = Galicia
Go = Gojoseon
Gor = Gordene
Gov = Govindapala
Gre = Greco-Bactria
Gd = Godavari
Gu = Gupta Empire
Gui = Guizhou
GV =Galicia-Volhynia
H = Himyarite Civilisation
Haya = Hayasha
Had = Hadhramaut
Hamm = Hammadids
Hgy = Hungary
Hit = Hittite
Hrp = Hariphunchai
IC= Ivory Coast
Illy = Illyrians
IGK = Indo-Greek Kingdom
Is = Israel
IS = Indo-Sythia(ians)
IT = Indian Territory
Ju = Judah
Kai = Kaicanan
Kal = Kalachuris
Kam = Kamerun
Kap = Kapisa
Kas = Kashi
Khan = Khandesh
Khwr = Khwarezm
Ki = Kosambi
KTS = Kingdom fo the Two Sicilies
Lit = Lithuania
Kash = Mashmir
Kos = Kosala
Koy = Koyunlu
Kyg = Kygristan
Len = Lennatos
Les = Lesotho
Lo = Lotharingia
Ld = Lydia
Lom = Lombards/Lombardy
Lyc = Lycia
Ma = Macedon
Mal = Malawi
Man = Mannaeans
Mat = Matsya
Mat = Mathura
Me = Mewar
Mi = Minsk
Mih = Mihrabanids
Mis = Missisippi
Mg = Magha
Ml = Moldavia
Moc = Morocco
Mor = Great Moravia
Mos = Mosul
Mu = Multan
My = Mysore
Muzz = Muzzaffarids
Mw = Malwa
NCP = Niger Coast Protectorate
Ng = Nagas
Nge = Ngoenyang
NL = Netherlands
Nya = Nyasaland
Os = Osroene
Otr = Ostrogoths
Pa = Panchala
Pal = Palmyra
Pan = Panchala
Par = Paramara
Pb = Prabang
Pei = Peithon son of Agenor
Pech = Pechengs
Per = Pereyaslavl
Phr = Phrygia
Pol = Poland
Polo = Polosk
Qara = Qarakhanids
Qtr = Qatar
Ratt = Rattanakosin
Rom = Romania
R&N = Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Sam = Samarkand
Sax = Saxony
Se = Serbia
Sh = Shu
Sig = Siguri
Sing = Singapore
Sl = Slovakia
Smo = Smolensk
SN = Southern Nigeria Protectorate
SR = Southern Rhodesia
Swa = Swaziland
Sya = Syagrius
Ta = Tabal
TCL = Tati Concessions Land
Thu = Thuringia
Tou = Touculeur Empire
Tj = Tajikistan
TJ = Transjordan
Tra = Transylvania
Trip = Tripolitania
Ud = Udyana
Urar = Urartu
UV = Upper Volta
Uzbek = Uzbekistan
Vas = Vaspurkan
Vien = Vientiane
Vijay = Vijayanagaras
Vol = Volhynia
Wash = Washington Territory
WG = West Germany
WRE = Western Roman Empire
Ws = Wassoulou Empire
WT = Wang Tiao
Wyo = Wyoming
Youd = Youdheya
Ym = Yemen
Yugo = Yugoslavia
Ze = Zeta

6000: 11m
4000: 28m
2000: 72m
1300: 100m
1000: 115m
800: 130m
500: 150m
323: 165m
200: 170m
1: 188m
200: 202m
400: 209m
500: 210m
650: 215m
712: 225m
800: 240m
907: 270m
1000: 295m
1100: 350m
1206: 390m
1300: 400m
1345: 425m
1353: 375m
1400: 400m
1492: 450m
1530: 490m
1600: 578m
1650: 620m
1715: 700m
1763: 850m
1783: 950m
1812: 1.05bn
1824: 1.10bn
1848: 1.23bn
1861: 1.27bn
1871: 1.31bn
1900: 1.65bn
1914: 1.8bn
1923: 1.9bn
1938: 2.25bn
1945: 2.38bn
1950: 2.52bn
1962: 3.15bn
1975: 4.06bn
1991: 5.39bn
2010: 6.91bn
2016: 7.43bn

History of the World, History of India, History of East Asia, Drex’s List, Southeast Asia, Centennia, History of Africa,  Arctic, South America, Central America

David (Serbian one)


200000 - 5500 BCE

200000: Modern humans appear.
130000: Sub-Saharan Africa settled
100000: Sangoan culture in Central Africa (Uganda, Zambia) Ascendentes of current  Khoisan
10000: Egypt and Middle East settled
70000: The whole of South Asia is settled
70000: Sangoan Culture develops
60000 (Some say 40000): Australia is settled
45000: Humans start to enter into Europe
39000: Châtelperronian culture appears
37000: Châtelperronian supplanted by Aurignacian culture
36000: Baradostian culture appears
30000: Last Neanderthals die out in Gibraltar; the whole of Europe is now settled by Modern Humans
29000: Aurignacian culture supplanted by Gravettian culture
25000: Siberia settled
20000: Gravettian culture supplanted by Solutrean culture
20000: Sơn Vi culture appears
18000: Sangoan culture ends
18000: Zarzian culture supplants Baradostian culture
18000: Humans cross Beringia into America
18000: Kebaran culture appears
15000: Solutrean culture supplanted by Magdalenian culture
14000: Jomon culture appears
14000: Trialetian culture appears
12500: Kebaran culture supplanted by Natufian culture
12000: Humans reach Tierra del Fuego, ending the settling of the Americas
12000: Sơn Vi culture ends
11500: Clovis culture appears
11000: Swiderian culture appears
10200: Natufian culture supplanted by Khiamian culture
10000: Azilian culture supplants Magdalenian in Spain
10000: Capsian culture appears
10000: Komsa culture appears
10000: Afro-Asiatic culture appears [REF. 5]
9500: Agassiz Lake appears
9000: Faiyum A culture appears
8800: Khiamian culture supplanted by Harifian (Palestinia) and Pre-Pottery Neolithic (Syria)
8800: Zarzian supplanted by Pre-Pottery
8500: Magdalenian culture supplanted by Sauverrian culture
8500: Neolithic in China appears [REF. 6]
8500: Clovis supplanted by Folsom
8300: Komsa culture supplanted by Fosna-Hensbacka culture
8200: Swiderian culture supplanted by Neman culture
8000: Harifan supplanted by Pre-Pottery Neolithic
8000: Jeulmun Pottery culture appears
8000: Kunda culture appears
8000: Las Vegas culture appears
8000: Plano culture appears
7800: Maglemosian culture appears
7500: Anatolian Neolithic appears
7500: Lepenski Vir culture appears
7500: Afro-Asiatic culture expands to Lower Egypt
7500: Agassiz Lake ends
7400: Neolithic in China ends
7300: Fosna-Hensbacka culture ends
7000: Baltic Sea reaches its current shape
7000: Neolithic in China appears
6800: Greek Neolithic appears
6700: Azilian supplanted by Iberian Capsan culture
6600: Mehrgarh culture appears
6500: “Green Sahara” period ends
6500: Neolithic in China expands to Yellow River
6400: Gravettian culture supplanted by Cardium Pottery culture
6400: Pre-Pottery culture supplanted by Yarmukian in Canaan
6200: Doggerland disappears
6200: Xinglongwa culture appears
6100: Pre-Pottery Neolithic in Assyria and Syria supplanted by Halaf culture
6100: Pre-Pottery Neolithic supplanted by Ubaid in Sumer
6100: Karavano culture appears
6000: Capsan culture and Iberomaurusian culture supplanted by Berbers
6000: Maglemosian culture supplanted by Kongemose culture
6000: Sauveterrian culture supplanted by Tardenoisian culture
6000: Shulaveri-Shomu culture appears
6000: Neolithic in China expands down Yangtze

5499 - 1000 BCE

5600: Lepenski Vir supplanted by Starcevo culture
5500: Ubaid supplanted by Sumer
5400: Anatolian Neolithic supplanted by Anatolian Chalcolithic
5300: Kongemose culture supplanted by Ertebølle culture
5200: Civilisation develops in Malta
5100: Halaf culture supplanted by Samarra-Hassuna culture
5050: Chinchorro culture appears
5000: Dnieper–Donets culture appears
5000: Faiyum A culture supplanted by Merimde culture
5000: Badari culture appears
5000: Buto culture appears
4900: Kuk culture appears
4600: Las Vegas culture ends
4600: Eneolithic Varna culture appears
4500: Tasian culture appears
4500: Dnieper–Donets culture supplanted by Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
4500: Starcevo culture supplanted by Vinca culture
4500: Linear pottery culture supplanted by Rössen culture
4400: Afro-asiatic Neolithic expands into Nubia
4400: Naqada culture supplants Badari culture
4400: Kuk culture ends
4400: Amratian (Naqada I) culture appears
4300: Merimde culture supplanted by Maadi culture
4200: Eneolithic Varna culture ends
4200: Kunda culture supplanted by Pit-Comb Ware culture
4000: Plano culture ends
4000: Folsom culture ends
3950: Karavano culture supplanted by Vinca
3700: Aspero culture appears
3700: Maykop culture appears
3600: Baden culture appears
3500: Cucuteni-Trypillian culture ends
3500: Afanasevo culture appears
3500: Las Vegas culture supplanted by Valdivia culture
3500: Yamna culture appears. [REF. 2]
3500: El Paraíso cultures appears
3500: Norte Chico Civilisation appears
3500: Amratian (Naqada I) culture supplanted by Gerzeh (Naqada II) culture
3400: Globular Amphora culture appears
3400: Shulaveri-Shomu culture supplanted by Kura-Araxes culture
3300: Ezero culture appears
3300: Afro-asiatic supplanted by Nubia
3200: Buto supplanted by Early Dynastic Egypt
3150: Naqada III culture supplanted by Early Dynastic Egypt
3100: Greeks replace Neolithic Greece [REF. 1]
3000: Maykop culture supplanted by Yamna culture
3000: Vinca culture ends
3000: Funnelbeaker culture supplanted by Corded Ware culture. [REF. 2]
3000: The Aesti Tribes appear in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia
3000: Vučedol culture appears
2900: Okunev culture appears
2900: Sumer is advanced civilisation
2890: Second Dynasty of Egypt
2879:  Xích Qu founded
2800: Mehrgarh supplanted by Indus Valley
2800: Shortugal founded
2800: Catacomb culture appears. [REF. 2]
2800: Tardenoisian supplanted by Beaker culture
2800: Baden culture ends
2700: Ezero culture ends
2700: Sintashta culture appears
2700: Neman culture supplanted by Rzucewo culture
2700: Elam appears
2686: Third Dynasty of Egypt
2675: Sothi-Siswal to Kot Diji
2666: Egyptian expansion into the Sinai
2650: Amri-Nal to Kot Diji
2640: Dab-Sadaat to Kot Diji (Indus Valley culturally united)
2640: Expansion along Carmania
2630: Expansion into Gujarat
2613: Fourth Dynasty of Egypt
2600: Butmir culture appears
2600: Hassuna supplanted by Ebla, Mari and Assyria
2600: Caral appears
2550: Dilmun appears
2540: Mari to Ebla
2540: Minoan Civilisation becomes an advanced culture
2524:  Xích Qu is supplanted by Van Lang
2510:  Lac tuang, B chính are taken by Van Lang
2500: Canaan appears
2500: Mari regains independence
2500: Beaker culture expands into Britain
2500: Nubia is embryonic civilisation
2500: Afanasevo culture supplanted by Andronovo culture
2500: Yamna culture supplanted by Srubna culture [REF. 2]
2500: Maltese civilisation ends
2500: Greeks spread to Thessaly and Lamia
2494: Fifth Dynasty of Egypt
2450: Helmand culture appears
2400: Butmir culture ends
2400: Lullubi appears
2400: Punt founded
2400: Beaker culture is widespread in Britain
2350: Corded Ware culture supplanted by Beaker culture. [REF. 2]
2344: Egyptian expansion in the Red Sea
2300: Magan founded
2300: Beaker culture supplanted by Unetice culture (Germania) & Atlantic Corded Ware (Gaul)
[REF. 2]
2300: BMAC culture appears
2300: Arameans appear
2266: Gutians appear
2266: Mari gains independence
2200: Qijia culture appears
2200: Vučedol culture ends
2181: Seventh Dynasty of Egypt; First Intermediate Period
2169: Eighth Dynasty of Egypt
2160: Ninth Dynasty of Egypt
2154: Akkadian Empire to Gutians
2152: Nubia is advanced civilisation (Kerma kingdom)
2134: Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt (Thebes only)
2112: Gutian Dynasty ends; Neo-Sumerian Empire emerges
2105: Mari is Neo-Sumerian vassal
2100: Okunev culture supplanted by Andronovo culture
2100: Sintashta culture supplanted by Catacomb culture
2100: Poltavka culture ends
2095: Tenth Dynasty of Egypt
2070: Xia dynasty appears
2055: Lower Egypt to Thebes; Middle Kingdom established
2050: Helmand culture supplanted by Jiroft culture
2050: Mari to Neo-Sumerian-Empire
2047: Gutium destroyed
2040: Ebla to Neo-Sumerian Empire
2038: Neo-Sumerian gains in Arabia
2032: Ur conquers Elam
2004: Neo-Sumerian Empire collapses, replaced by Amorite Kingdom
2004: Old Assyrian Empire appears
2000: Wessex culture appears
2000: Minoan conquest of Cyclades
2000: Bantu appears
2000: Kura–Araxes culture supplanted by Trialeti culture
2000: Greeks expand to the rest of Greece (except Macedonia and Thrace), and assimilate the Pelasgians
2000: Pit-Comb Ware culture ends
2000: Caral ends
2000: Arameans, Hurrians, Kassites and Hittites appear
1991: Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt
1950: Kussara founded
1913: Egyptian-Nubian War starts
1903: Egyptian-Nubian War ends
1900: Abashevo culture ends
1900: Late Harappa Period
1900: Catacomb culture ends. [REF. 2]
1900: Cemetery H culture appears
1880: Mari gains independence
1858: Larsa secedes from Isin
1830: First Babylonian Dynasty appears
1825: Isin to Larsa
1822: Assyrian expansion in Mari
1809: Mari to Assyria
1803: Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt
1800: Sogdiana and Bactria appear
1800: Beaker culture ends
1800: Ebla to Yamhad
1800: Catacomb culture supplanted by Srubna culture/Timber Grave culture
1800: Andronovo culture appears. [REF. 2]
1800: Nuragic Civilisation appears
1800: Tocharians appear
1800: El Paraíso culture ends
1800: Chinchorro culture ends
1797: Larsa to Babylon
1777: Tutal (city) to Assyria
1773: Yamhad to Assyria
1769: Qatna to Assyria
1765: Eshnunna occupied by Elam
1762: Eshnunna to Babylon
1761: Mari to Babylon
1740: Babylonian Empire reduced
1732: Sealand Dynasty appears
1725: Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Delta)
1721: Yamhad gains independence
1700: Indus Valley collapses
1700: BMAC supplanted by Andronovo
1680: Hittite Empire appears
1675: Qatna to Yamhad; Kizzuwatna appears
1650: Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Delta)
1649: Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Thebes)
1640: Van lang take the red river valley
1635: Mycenaean Civilisation appears
1631: Shang Invade Van Lang but fail
1600: Unetice culture supplanted by Tumulus culture [REF. 2]
1600: Gandhara Grave culture appears
1600: Qijia culture supplanted by Xindian culture
1600: Vedic culture covers Bengal
1595: Yamhad to Hittite Empire
1590: Mitanni appears
1585: Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt
1583: Fifteenth Dynasty expands against Thebes
1580: Theben counteroffensive
1570: Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt; New Kingdom
1550: Olmec appears
1550: Libu appear
1531: Hittite raid against Babylon
1531: Babylonian Empire collapses
1528: Nubia to Egypt
1525: Babylonian expansion
1516: Conquest of Sinai
1507: Kingdom of Dhanyawadi founded
1505: Conquest of Sahara
1504: Canaan to Egypt
1500: Hayasha-Azzi appears
1500: Jorwe culture appears
1500: Torrean Civilisation appears
1500: Gandhara appears
1500: Jeulmun Pottery culture supplanted by Mumum Pottery culture
1500: Yaz culture appears
1500: Olmec appears
1490: Punt is Egyptian vassal
1471: Assyria to Mitanni
1456: Egypt invades Syria
1450: Kamboja appears
1450: Canaanites rebel against the Egyptian rule in the Galilee and Syria
1425: Cyprus is an embryonic civilisation
1400: Wessex culture ends
1400: Minoa to Mycenae
1400: Andronovo culture ends. [REF. 2]
1400: Iberians appear
1400: Donghu appear
1352: Assyria secedes from Mitanni
1350: Anga appears
1350: Ugarit gains independence
1344: Hittites expand into Anatolia
1343: Hittites invade Mitanni
1342: Hittites capture Aleppo, Carchemish secedes from Mitanni
1341: Hittites conquer Ugarit
1340: Hittites conquer Mitanni, but the Mitanni scape into Anatolia
1330: Bashan founded
1320s: Assyrian expansion west
1321: Assyria invades Hittites
1320: Mysia founded
1316: Assyrian expansion west
1313: Assyrian expansion south
1300: Valdivia culture supplanted by Chorrera culture
1300: Kosala appears
1300: Polynesians begin expanding from Papua into the sea
1300: Tumulus culture supplanted by Urnfield culture
1300: Germans appear
1293: Cyprus to Hittites
1292: Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt
1290: Hayasa-Azzi supplanted by Arme-Shupria
1250: Lycia appears
1250: Kashi appears
1250: Malla appears
1235: Babylonia to Assyria
1227: Babylonia is Assyrian vassal
1225: Sindhu appears
1220: West Anatolian Kingdoms appear
1209: Canaan gains independence
1206: Babylonia gains independence
1200: Srubna culture disappears; Scythians and Cimmerians appear
1200: Tumulus culture disappear, Celts, Veneti, Italics, Illyrians and Slavs appear
1200: Sabean Kingdom appears
1200: Kuru appears
1200: Painted Grey Ware culture appears
1200: Diauehi appears
1200: Edom founded
1200: Black and Red ware culture appears
1189: Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt
1184: Troy to Mycenae
1183: Tabal appears
1180: Canaanites gain independence
1177: Phrygia destroys Hittite Empire
1150: Copper Hoard culture appears
1130: Vatsa appears
1125: Dakshinapatha appears
1114: Arme-Shupria supplanted by Nairi
1104: Phoenicians colonise Cadiz
1100: Vrijji appears
1100: Anarta appears
1100: Mycenaean Civilisation collapses
1079: The Egyptian New Kingdom collapses
1070: Kush gains independence
1069: Punt collapses
1068: Athens appears
1050: Mannaeans appear
1046: Zhou Dynasty
1025: Kingdom of Israel established, with Bet Shean and Jebus as enclaved kingdoms
1025: Ammonites conquer Israeli part of Transjordan
1007: Judah rebel against Israel
1006: Judah conquer Jebus
1004: Israel reunited
1000: Israel conquer Jebus
1000: Surasena appears
1000: Illyrian tribes appear
1000: Dacian and Thracian tribes appear
1000: Talayotic Culture appears
1000: Woodland Period appears
1000: Kassites supplanted by Iranian tribes
1000: Xindian culture ends
1000: Chipa culture appears
1000: Maya appear

999 - 500 BCE

990: Israel conqueres Bet Shean, the coast of Canaan, Edom, Moab, Ammon and Aram-Damascus, vassalizes the Philistines, Jaffa and the Kingdom of Hamath
980: D’mt appears
950: Sparta appears
950: Olmec becomes advanced civilisation
950: Kynouria appears
936: Libyan kingdom appears
928: Israel collapses to Israel and Judah. Aram Damascus and Edom gain full independence and conqueres Geshur; Hamath and the Philistines are no longer vassals of Israel; Moab and Ammon remain vassals of Israel
928: The Philistines expand from Jaffa to modern day al-Arish
911: Judah conquer lands in Israel’s south
900: Thessaly appears
900: Phoenicia colonizes Sardinia
900: Colchis appears
900: Caral and Aspero supplanted by Chavín culture
900: The whole of Melanesia is settled by the Polynesians
890: Aram-Damascus conquer Geshur
870: Arabs appear
860: Nairi supplanted by Urartu
856: Bit Adini to Assyria
855: Israel regain lost territory from Judah
855: Aram-Damascus occupy the Samarian hills from Israel and lay seige to the city of Samaria
855: Moab rebel against Israel and conquer lands from Israel south to Ammon
854: Israel push back Aram-Damascus and occupy Geshur
851: Israel leave Geshur, Aram-Damascus conquer parts of Israel south to the Yarmuk river
850: Panchala appears
842: Israel regain lands lost by Aram-Damascus in Transjordan
825: Carthage appears
824: Syro-Hittite states gain independence
824: Hama to Assyria
814: Carthage gains independence
810: Macedonia appears
808: Bit Bahiani to Assyria
810: Zhou expansion
800: Palistin to Pattin
800: Urnfield culture supplanted by Proto-Celts [REF. 7]
808: Macedonians and Thracians separate
800: Minor states appear (Dolopia, Aenis, Doris, Ozolian Ocris, Delphi
800: Colchis appears
800: Syro-Hittite states are Urartu vassals
776: Elis appears
775: Chalcidice appears
775: Euboea appears
771: Quanrong nomads drive the Zhou out of the Wei river valley
750: Zakynthos appears
750: Zikirti appears
750: Germans expand
750: Cumae founded as Euboean vassal
749: Kush conquers Egypt
743: Rhegium founded as Euboean vassal
741: Bit Agusi to Assyria
740: Ain Dara to Assyria
738: Pattin to Assyria
737: Luhuti to Assyria
734: Syracuse founded as Corinthian vassal
730: Libyan kingdom ends
729: Rhegium expands to Catania
717: Carchemish to Assyria
715: Messenia to Sparta
714: Sam'al to Assyria
713: Tabal to Assyria
713: Hilakku to Assyria
712: Kammanu to Assyria
711: Gurgum to Assyria
708: Kummuh to Assyria
706: Tarentum founded as Spartan vassal
701: Phoenicia is Assyrian vassal
700: Other Ionian states appear
700: Van lang takes Ngh An and Hà Tinh Provinces
700: Corinth appears
700: Achaea appears
700: Janapada periods ends, replaced with Mahajanapadas
700: Matsya appears
700: Assaka appears
700: Zapotec appears
699: Quwê to Assyria
695: Siris founded as Ionian vassal
690 Metapontum founded as Achaean vassal
687: Lydia begins to expand
685: Messenia gains independence
684: Magadha appears
680: Locris established as Sparta vassal
678: Duke Wu of Quwo conquers Jin
668: Messenia to Sparta
667: Byzantium founded as Megara vassal
664: 26th Dynasty of Egypt appears as Assyrian vassal
664: Syracuse expands to Akrai
664: Egypt is Assyrian vassal
664: Assyria leaves Kush
662: The Di drove the Rong out of Taiyuan
660: The Red Di took the capital of the State of Wey but were driven out by Qi
654: Egypt expands and takes Cyrenacia
651: Jin (under the Quwo dynasty) annexes 16 or 17 smaller states in Shanxi, dominated 38 others ( including Geng, Huo, Old Wei, Yu and Western Guo) and absorbed a number of Rong tribes
650: Chetiya appears
650: Carthage gains independence
646: Jin captured and vassilized by Qin
643: Syracuse expands to Kasmenai
636: Jin declares independence by driving the Di barbarians out of the west of the Yellow river
635: Jin gains some land near the royal capital of Zhou after helping them against their rival
633: The southern state of Chu besieges Song
630: Cyrene founded
627: Jin defeats Qin in their attack on Zheng
600: Argos is Spartan vassal
600: Paestum founded as Athenian vassal
600: Massalia founded
600: Maya is advanced civilisation
600: Chedi appears
600: Etruscans expand
600: Avanti appears
600: Southern India is advanced culture
598: Syracuse gains independence
598: Syracuse expands to Kamrina
594: Jin destroyed the Red Di state of Lushi
589: Jin defeats Qi, which had invaded Lu and Wei
585: Corinth is Spartan vassal
583: Judah annexed to Babylonia
575: Final Syracusan expansion
570: Cyprus to Egypt
559: Magan to Median Empire
553: Persis declares independence
550: Arcadia is Spartan vassal
550: Sao civilisation appears
550: Pandyan Kingdom appears
550: Sao civilisation appears
549: Median Empire to Persia; Achaemenid Empire formed
546: Kynouria and Kythera annexed by Sparta
545: Siris supplanted by Heraclea (as Athenian vassal)
545: Velia established as Ionian vassal
545: Carthaginian expansion in Sicily
543: Thambapanni Kingdom appears in Sri Lanka
541: Jin subjugates the Red Di state of Lushi
531: Jin attacks the Xianyu and Fei
526: The 6 clans (Fan, Zhonghang, Zhi, Han, Zhao and Wei) which controlled Jin start to fight against each other
525: Egypt to Persia
523: Sardinia to Carthage
517: Persia conquers Gandhara and Kamboja
507: Jin gets severely defeated by the Xianyu Di
505: Upatissa Nuwara supplants Thambapanni Kingdom
505: Peloponnesian League formed
500: Zhangzhung culture appears
500: Macedonians are properly organised. [REF. 3] (red colour)
500: Kuwait fully exposed
500: Garamantes appear
500: Etruscans reach Po Valley
500: Kuntala appears
500: Chavin culture appears
500: Germans expand

499 - 1 BCE

499: Ionian Revolt begins
499: Cyprus gains independence
494: Ionian Revolt ends
494: Rhegium expands to Calacte
493: Cyprus to Achaemenid Empire
486: A revolt in Egypt occurs
483: Revolts in Egypt and Babylonia appear
482: Revolt in Babylonia ends
481: Revolt in Egypt ends
480: Athens occupied by Achaemenid Empire
479: Thrace appears
479: Achaemenid Empire leaves Athens
479: Epirus is embryonic civilisation
477: Delian League created
471: Arcadia gains independence
470: Epirus appears
464: Messenia gains independence
459: Zakynthos joins Delian League
457: Boeotia to Sparta
452: Macedonians conquer land. [REF. 3] (orange, light brown is vassalized)
452: Macedonians fully hellenized. [REF. 3] (show as Hellenic culture from now on)
451: Revolt in Cyprus appears
450: The Fan and Zhonghang clans of the Jin are eliminated, Zhi is later on eliminated in a battle against the 3 other clans, Zhi’s land gets split and given to the 3 remaining clans, from then on known as the ‘Three Jins’
449: Revolt in Cyprus ends
447: Boeotia gains independence
443: Thurii established as Athenian vassal
438: Bosporan Kingdom appears
413: Shishunaga Empire forms in Magadha
412: Kashi to Shishunaga
411: Byzantium to Sparta
410: Euboea gains independence
406: Zhongshan was conquered by the State of Wei
405: Anga to Shishunaga
404: Egypt gains independence; Twenty-Eighth Dynasty of Egypt
403: Sparta wins Peloponnesian War; Athens occupied
400: Rhegium expands to Chimaera
400: Olmec collapses
400: D’mt supplanted by Axum
400: D’mt supplanted by Axum
398: Twenty-Ninth Dynasty of Egypt
397: Carthage annexes Catana
396: Rhodes to Persia
395: Corinthian War; Sparta reduced
389: Rhodes gains independence
380: Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt
378: Second Athenian Empire created
377: Zhongshan regains its independence
375: S. Kosala to Shishunaga
371: Peloponnesian League declines
369: Messenia annexed by Thebes
359: Epirus is Macedonian vassal
355: Second Athenian empire ends
355: Kalinga appears as Shishunaga vassal
351: Revolts in Cyprus and Phoenicia appear
350: Chola Kingdom appears
350: Hadhramaut appears
349: Bosporan Kingdom expands
349: Revolt in Phoenicia ends
348: Revolt in Cyprus ends
345: Nanda Empire succeedes Shishunaga Empire
343: Egypt to Achaemenid Empire
342: Nanda conquest of northeastern India
340: Panchala to Nanda
340: Kuru to Nanda
338: League of Corinth created
337: Anuradhapura supplants Upatissa Nuwara
336: Sursena to Nanda
336: Vatsa to Nanda
336: Chetiya to Nanda
335: Sindhu is Nanda vassal
334: Anitolia to Macedon
332: Egypt to Macedon
330: Matsya to Nanda
330: Epirus to Macedon
329: Avanti to Nanda
325: Maurya uprising in Nanda Empire starts
325: Kalinga gains independence
323: Aetolian Revolt
323: Macedonian Empire collapses into Satraps
321: Maurya uprising in Nanda Empire is successful and ends
320: Mumun Pottery culture supplanted by Jin (Korea) and Gojoseon
320 BC: Ptolemaios annexes Judea and Syria
316: Eastern Alexandria satraps conquered by Maurya
305: Seleucid–Mauryan war starts
305: Conquest of southern India by Maurya begins
305: Ptolmaic Egypt appears
305: Ptolemaic Egypt forms
303: Seleucid–Mauryan war ends (Maurya victory)
300: Kingdom of Syphax appears
300: Kush speaks Nubian
300: Conquest of southern India by Maurya ends
300: Chorrera culture ends
300: Assaka collapses
300: Chera Kingdom appears
300: Yayoi culture supplants Jomon culture
300: Kingdom of Thaton Founded
295: Zhongshan is conquered by the State of Zhao
290: Assam vassalised by Maurya
290: Delphi to Aetolian League
280: Achaean League created
275: Tamil kingdoms vassalised
270: Van lang expands
270: Kush supplanted by Meroe
261: Kalinga Kingdom invaded by Maurya empire
260: Kalinga Kingdom to Maurya empire
257: Van lang name changed to Âu Lac
256: Bactria declares independence from the Seleucid Empire [REF. 9]
250: Germans expand
248: Bactria invades Sogdiana
245: Sogdiana to Bactria
245: Satrap Parthia declares independence from the Seleucid Empire [REF. 9]
240: Carthage collapses into political chaos
238: The Parni invade Parthia, depose the former Satrap of Parthia and takeover; in the decades that follow, the Parni/Parthians conquered more eastern Seleucid territory
235: Parthia invades Greco-Parthia
234: Greco-Parthia to Parthia
232: Maurya begins to collapse
232: Athiyamān gains independence from Maurya
232: Southern Maurya vassals break away
232: Satavahana begin to break free
230: Illyria expands up to the Istria
229: First Illyrian war starts
228: The Roman protectorate in modern-day Albania formed, Illyrians lose the lands between Bojana and Vojuša rivers.
225: Satavahana breaks away from Maurya
223: Parthia expands against Seleucid Empire
220: Assam lost by Maurya
220: Illyrians reconquer territories previously lost to Rome.
219: Illyrians lose previously reconquered lands
211 BC: Minyue founded
210: Au lac wins at Tien Du
209: The Seleucid Empire reconquered lands in the east from the Parthians until the Parthians are confined to Parthia; the Parthians accept vassalage to the Seleucids
209: Xiongnu confederation founded
205: Armenia to Seleucid Empire
204: First Macedonian War ends
204: Kingdom of Nanyue appears
202: Numidia appears
200: Garamantes appear
200: Ay Kingdom breaks away from Pandyas
200: Marshall Islands settled
200: Madagascar settled
200: Hopewell culture appears
200: Maing-Maw and Binaka founded in the respective cities
196: Second Macedonian War ends
195: Satavahana invasion of Narmada begins
195: Nanyue takes Minyue, Yelang, and Tongshi
192: Satavahana invasion of Narmada ends
192: Sparta collapses
190: Battle of Magnesia between Rome and the Seleucids; the Parthians come under Bactrian domination
188: Roman-Seleucid War ends
187: Seleucus IV dies; Bactria expands
185: Maurya Empire overthrown by Shunga Empire
185: Kalinga gains independence
180: Greco-Bactria invades India
180: Beikthano established in the respective city
179: Nanyue Conquers Au Lac
175: Indo-Greek invades Shunga
175: Greco-Bactria leaves India (Indo-Greek Kingdom created)
174: Xiongnu drives the Yuezhi out of Hexi Corridor, which asserts the presence of the Yuezhi in Western Regions
169: Second Illyrian war starts
168: Dacian Kingdom appears
168: Illyria is conquered by Roman empire.
168: Indo-Greek captures Mathura; independent kingdoms in Ganges
168: Nabataea and Maan appear
167: Parthia shakes off all foreign domination
160: Indo-Greek takes Gujarat
160: Sophene gains independence
155: Indo-Scythia appears
150: Indo-Scythian invasion of Indo-Greek
150: Donghu to Xiongnu
148: Parthians initiate the conquest of Media
146: Roman Invasion of Greece
146: Mummius Achaicus sacks Corinth and dissolves the Achaean League
146: Rome takes control of Greece
145: Indo-Scythians annex lower Indus Valley
141: Babylonia and Seleucia are conquered by the Parthians
140: Hasmonean Kingdom appears
139: Atropatene to Parthia
138: Indo-Sythia invades Parthia
136: Gordyene gains independence
135: Minyue invades Nanyue
133: Han-Xiongu War begins
132: Osroene gains independence
131: Adiabene gains independence
130: Palmyrene Kingdom gains independence
129: Parthian expansion in Arabia
128: Han expansion north
127: Xiongnu invades Liaoxi and advances to Yanmen
127: Han dynasty retakes full control of the Ordos region
125: Bactria collapses
121: Han dynasty conquers the Yanzhi and Qilian mountain ranges
121: Xiongnu tribes of Hunye and Xiutu submitting to the rule of the Han dynasty.
119: Han dynasty invades northern regions of Gobi Desert
112: Han Dynasty invades Nanyue
111: Nanyue is annexed by Han Dynasty
111: Han dynasty conquers territory stretching from the Hexi Corridor to Lop Nur
110: Shunga counter offensive
108: Han dynasty invades Gushi
105: Ituraea to Judah
103: Kalinga drive into Deccan
101: Han dynasty brings Dayuan into submission
100: Nazca culture appears in South Peru
100: Tagaung Kingdom appears
100: Chi Tu appears
94: Commagene to Armenia
91: Gordyene to Armenia
90: Indo-Greek takes part of Thar Desert
86: Rome sacks Athens
87: Osroene to Armenia
80: Indo-Sythia invades Thar and Saurashtra
80: Han dynasty establishes military colony in Luntai
80: Xiongnu attacks Wusun
77: Loulan changes name to Shanshan after king got assasinated
77: Scythia takes Gandhara
75: Scythia takes Ujjain
75: Moesia to Rome
73: Shunga supplanted by Knava
73: Peripheries of ex-Sunga empire invaded by Kalinga and Satavahana; Knava only in Bengal
72: Wusun and the Han dynasty invade Xiongnu
71: Dingling (with the help of neighboring tribes) revolts against Xiongnu
71: Wusun attacks Xiongnu from the west, Dingling from the north, Wuhuan from the east and the Han from the south
70: Halin founded
69: After the Romans defeat the Parthians and the Armenians, a rump Seleucid kingdom is restored
67: Parthia annexes parts of Indo-Scythia
63: Seleucia to Rome
60: Gushi changes name to Jushi after it fell to the Han dynasty
60: Gandhara retaken by Mathura
60: Dacia expands west
59: Dacia expands west
57: Xiongnu civil war breaks loose fragmenting the Xiongnu confederation into many contenders
55: Ujjain retaken by Satavahanas
55: Thracian coast to Dacia
53: Xiongnu becomes a vassal of the Han dynasty
51: The Dingling, Hujie and Gekun are defeated by Xiongnu
50: Knava shrinks
49: Gaul, Hispania and Italy fall to Julius Caesar
49: Pharnaces II of Pontus (ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom) seizes Colchis and Lesser Armenia from the Romans
48: Pharnaces II conquers the Pontus
48: Excluding Pharnaces II’s conquests, eastern Roman provinces fall to Julius Caesar
48: Dacia expands below Danube
47: Pharnaces II is defeated by Julius Caesar
46: African provinces of the Roman Empire fall to Julius Caesar
46: Roman legions in Hispania Ulterior defect to the Pompeiians
45: Julius Caesar defeats the Pompeiians in Hispania Ulterior
45: Sextus Pompey retreats to Sicily, with the rest of the Roman Republic having been won by Julius Caesar
43: Republican forces (commanded by Julius Caesar’s assassins) have control of the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire
42: The Republican forces are defeated at the Battle of Philippi
42: Nanyue recaptured; Trung Sisters create a kingdom
40: Sextus Pompey seizes Sardinia from the Roman Republic
40: Parthians, in collaboration with Labienus, conquer the Levant and most of Asia Minor
39: The Romans reverse Parthian gains from the previous year
38: A subordinate of Sextus Pompey betrays him and hands over Sardinia to the Roman Republic
37: The Herodian kingdom replaces the Hasmonean kingdom
36: Octavian defeats Sextus Pompey, annexing Sicily to the Roman Republic
31: Augustus (Octavian) defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra
30: Egypt to Rome
30: Knava invaded by Satavahana; Andhrabhrtya vassal state created
27: Roman Republic supplanted by Roman Empire
25: Final Dacian expansion
12: Indo-Parthian Kingdom appears
10: Himyar appears

1 CE - 500 CE

1: Germans expand
4: Kalinga Invasion of Satavahana begins
9: Kalinga Invasion of Satavahana ends
9: Han official usurps the throne of the Han, forming a new dynasty named Xin
10: Mathura conquers Indo-Greek Kingdom
20: Scythian invasion of Satavahana (Narmarda region) begins
24: Scythian invasion of Satavahana (Narmarda region) ends; Scythians take Narmarda
25: Andhrabhrtya gains independence
25: Han rule restored, grip over the Tarim Basin weakened
25: Xiongnu gains control over western regions
29: Kushan Empire appears
35: Western Satraps appear
43: Trung Sisters’ kingdom falls
45: Kushan conquers Kashmir
45: Bosporan Kingdom expands
46: Thrace conquered by Roman empire
46: Numidia to Rome
50: Xiongnu confederation falls apart, forming Northern and Southern Xiongnu
50: Bi submits to the reign of the Han empire
50: Han takes control over Southern Xiongnu under Bi
50: Kushan conquers northern Western Satraps
53: Satavahana vassalised by Western Satraps
58: Kingdom of Pong appears
60: Kushan takes Gandhara
66: Judean rebels expel and repulse the Romans from Judea
68: Romans retake all of northern Judea
70: Rest of Judea is reconquered by the Romans
68: Kingdom of Funan appears
70: Satavahana expands into Kalinga
73: Han empire attacks Northern Xiongnu, defeating and pursuing them as far as Lake Berkol
74: Han empire retakes Turfan from Northern Xiongnu, resulting in the retreat of Northern Xiongnu to Dzungaria.
74: City-states in the Tarim Basin brought under the submission of the Han empire
74: Jushi submits to the Han empire, Han empire captures Kashgar
74: Kingdoms of Karasahr and Kucha forced to surrender to the Han empire
74: Northern Xiongnu invades the Bogda Mountains
75: Kosambi to Dasarna
78: Kushan invades Indus
79: Indo-Parthia is Kushan vassal
85: Dingling, together with Xianbei start an uprising against Northern Xiongnu, after that they assimilate with the remaining Northern Xiongnu and Tuoba under a confederacy of a Xianbei chief
85: Kushan takes Mathura
88: Satavahana breaks free
89: Han empire chases Northern Chanyu (leader of the Xiongnu) into the Altai Mountains, Han empire captures Hami
89: Han empire conquers rest of Northern Xiongnu, Xiongnu state no longer exists
90: Han empire captures Yiwu and receives the surrender of Jushi
91: Last remnants of the Northern Xiongnu migrate west towards the Lli River
91: The Huns appear near the Caspian Sea
94: Southern Xiongnu (under control of Bi) allies with newly subjugated Northern Xiongnu to start a rebellion against the Han
95: Panchala and Kosala to Kushan
100: Moche culture appears in Northern coastal Peru
100: Indochina is advanced culture
100: Gangga Negra appears
100: Langkasuka  appears
119: Satavahana retakes Narmarda
120: Maingmaw falls
121: Western regions collapses
127: Kashmir to Kushan Empire
130: Indo-Parthian Kingdom annexed by Kushan
132: Bar Kokhba’s revolt expels Romans from Judea
135: Romans reconquer Judea
172: Egyptian Revolt in the Nile Delta occurs (only during this year)
175: Mathura gains independence
180: Dasarna collapses
181: Xianbei moves south, the Dingling take their place in the steppe
190: Mathura gains against Dasarna
192: Champa appears
195: Yaudheya gains independence
200: Western Satraps weaken
200: Qataban to Himyar
200: [REF. 10]
203: Abhiras gain independence
206: Persian Revolt appears
216: Southern Xiongnu partitioned into 5 local tribes
217: Persian untied under Sassanids; expansion begins
219: Parthian Empire destroyed (last-stand in Mesopotamia)
220: Satavahana becomes Neo-Satavahanas
224: Sassanid Empire established
225: Funan-Champa border
230: Sassanids take Indus
235: Kushan empire collapses and replaced by East Kushans
245: Funan expands
250: Bura culture appears
250: Yayoi supplanted by Japan
250: Later Satavahana supplanted by Vakataka & several local states
250: Kalabhras appears in Tamil
260: Palmyra appears (as vassal of the Roman Empire)
261: Palmyra takes the Roman provinces of Syria, Phoenice, Palaestina, Arabia, and Anatolia's eastern regions (still vassal of the Roman Empire)
262: Palmyra takes Osroene (including edessa) but still a vassal of the Roman Empire
267: Anatolia regained to the Roman Empire and Palmyra is no longer a Roman vassal
265: Andhrabhrya supplanted by local princes
269: Palmyra takes Roman Egypt & South Eastern Anatolia
272: Palmyra loses Egypt, Anatolia, and The Levant (only Syria and Osroene remain)
273: All of Palmyra is regained to the Roman Empire
275: Saba to Himyar
280: Eastern Mathura becomes vassal (Guptas)
285: Start of the Roman Diarchy
293: Start of the Roman Tetrarchy
300: Pan Pan appears
300: Ghana Empire appears
300: Tiwanaku Empire appears
304: Liu Yuan becomes Chanyu of the 5 hordes
308: Liu Yuan founds the Han Zhao dynasty in Southern Xiongnu
308: Pannonia, Dalmatia, Thrace and Anatolia to Licinius. Greece to Galerius
311: Domain of Galerius is annexed by Licinius. Anatolia to Maximinus Daia
311: The Han Zhao dynasty (former Southern Xiongnu) captures Luoyang and the emperor Huai of Jin China
312: Constantine annexes the domain of Maxentius
313: Licinius annexes the domain of Maximinus Daia
316: Constantine and Licinius clash near the town of Vinkovci, Croatia.
316: Emperor Min of Jin China captured in Chang’an by the Han Zhao dynasty
317: Constantine and Licinius clash again near the town of Harmanli, Bulgaria
318: Pannonia and Macedonia to Constantine
318: North China comes under Xiongnu rule (Han Zhao dynasty), remnants of Jin dynasty survive in the south of Jiankang
318: A coup suppressed in the Xiongnu-Han court, Liu Yao renames Hang Zhao to Zhao
318: Eastern part of China revolts
319: Gupta founded
321: Gupta reaches Prayaga
324: Domain of Licinius to Constantine
327: Dhanyawadi supplanted by Waithali
329: Liu Yao dies, Xiongnu dynasty wiped out, North China ruled by the rebel leader Shi Le who names his empire Later Zhao for another 20 years
330: Gupta reaches Himalayas
335: Northwestern Bengal taken by Gupta
336: Champa expands
337: The second division of Rome
340: Domain of Constantine II to Constans I
340: Naga Empire ends
340: Beginning of Samudragupta of Gupta’s conquests
345: Pallava and Kadambas gain independence
345: Chutus conquered by Vaktaka
350: Greece and Pannonia to Constantius II
350: Western Ganga Dynasty appears
350: Meroe splits into Notbatia, Makuria and Alodia
351: Italy to Constantius II
353: Vetranio retakes Italy
353: Malavas conquered by Gupta
354: Magha conquered by Gupta
355: Kalabhras invades Cholas and Pandyas
356: Constantius II reunites Rome
356: Xionites appear
358: Tarumanagara appears
360: Abhiras conquered by Gupta
363: Gupta invades Bengal
364: The third division of Rome
364: Dasarna partitioned between Gupta and Vakataka
365: Remaining Tamil kingdoms invaded by Kalabhras
365: Bengal submits
369: Invasion of the South (India)
370: The Huns conquer the Alans
372: Invasion complete (India)
372: The Huns invade Ostrogothic Lands
376: Tiefu branch of the Xiongnu gain control over Inner Mongolia as Northern Wei
376: The Huns invade Visigothic Lands
379: Hun invasion drives Goths to Caucalands
386: The Tiefu are destroyed and/or surrendered to the Tuoba, submitting Tiefu gets known as Dugu
386: A state called Xia is founded in the Ordos loop by a surviving Tiefu prince
390: The Huns dwell beyond the Sea of Azov
392: Theodosius reunites Rome
395: Huns invade the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire
395: Assam vassalised by Gupta
395: Final division of Roman Empire
400: Iron ages cultures appear in Africa
400: Balts and Finnish split
400: Licchavi Kingdom appears
401: Southern Hunas annexed
401: Juqu, a branch of Xiongnu takes control over Northern Liang
405: Western Satraps invaded by Gupta
406: Hun invasions force Vandals cross the Rhine into Gaul.
408: The Huns destroy Roman Thrace                                           
409: Western Satraps integrated into Gupta
410: Kalinga annexed to Gupta
410: Indo-Sassanids supplanted by Hunas
420: Vishnukundina Empire appears
420: Bernicia appears
424: Huns take Volga River
425: Amazonians appear
425: Vishnukundina expands
428: Helian-Xia state is conquered by Northern Liang
430: Mauro-Roman Kingdom (or Altava) appears
439: Juqu power destroyed by Northern Wei
440: Sicily to Vandals
441: Huns sack the cities of the province Illyricum
450: Kadambas expand north, Vakataka takes remaining Western Coastal Plains region
450: Lavo Kingdom appears
450: Luba culture appears
451: The Huns invade Gaul
452: Huns invade Italy
453: Hunnic Empire splits into West and East
455: Pushyamitra rebellion
455: Hunas gains independence
455: The Kingdom of Kent appears
460: Rouran destroys remnant of Northern Liang
461: Pushyamitra rebellion collapses
469: Fall of the Hun empire
470: Rouran starts a campaign against Khotan, all the statelets in the west submit to Rouran
470: The beginning of White Hun raids into India
472: Yucheng attacks Northern Wei across the western border
471: Ghassanids appear
476: West Rome (excluding Dalmatia and Roman Gaul to Odoacer)
476 Sicily to Odoacer
476: Roman Gaul descends into political anarchy
477: Sussex appears
480: West Roman Dalmatia to Odoacer
484: Huna invades Gupta
486: Fragmented Roman Gaul to Franks
487: The Fufuluo (a Gaoche tribal group) establish a state northwest of Gaochang
489: Dalmatia and Julian Alps to Ostrogoths
490: Milan and surroundings east of the river Adda to Ostrogoths
490: Sicily to Vandals
491: Italy excluding Romagna to Ostrogoths
491: Vandals lose Sicily to Ostrogoths
493: Romagna to Ostrogoths
495: Huna invasions end
500: Assam lost
500: Carnatic lost
500: Ghassanids appear
500: Hopewell culture ends

501 CE - 750 CE

500: Urdu in use by this point
507: Kalinga lost by Vishnukundina
508: Provence to Ostrogoths
510: Gupta counteroffensive
519: Wessex Appears
520: Axumite expansion into Arabia
520: Axum expands against Himyar
521: The Fufuluo penetrate into Rouran territory
524: The Fufuluo are repulsed
525: Chalukya gains independence
527: Essex appears
527: Mercia appears
528: Hunas driven from India
530: Ostrogoths lose all of Pannonia Inferior north of the  River Sava to Gepids
531: Old Saxony appears
534: Praetorian Prefect of Africa appears
535: Region surrounding Syracuse to Byzantines
536: Sicily, Rhegium, Naples, Rome and Dalmatia to Byzantines
536: Provence to Franks
538: Rimini to Byzantines
539: Emilia-Romagna (excluding region surrounding Ravenna) to Byzantines
540: Ravenna to Byzantines
542: Faenza, Florence and most of Magna Graecia to Ostrogoths
543: Naples to Ostrogoths
543: Chalukya conquers Kadambas
543: Champa defeated by Chen Dynasty
544: Van Xuân appears
545: Bumin Qaghan rebels against the Rouran Khaganate, would later become the Turkic Khaganate
545: Bumin Qaghan defeated Uyghur and Tiele so he didn't revolt against the Rourans back then but in 552 allying with the Western Wei
546: Rome to Ostrogoths
547: Rome to Byzantines
549: The Gokturks penetrate the Volga, ejecting the Avars, who then flad to the sanctuary of the Hungarian Plain
550: Gupta Empire collapses
550: Chenla appears as Funan vassal
550: Sicily and Rome to Ostrogoths
550: East Anglia Appears
552: The Turkic/Gokturk khaganate founded by the Ashina clan
552: Tuscany, Latium and Rome to Byzantines
554: Ostrogothic Kingdom (excluding Pannonia superior north of the Danube and Naples) to Byzantines
554: Franks and Alemanni invade northern Italy and are pushed out by 555 (excluding a few strongholds in Brixia and Verona which would hold out until 562)
555: Naples to Byzantines
555: Pannonia to Lombards
558: Sassanid Persia (assisted by the Göktürks) defeat the Hephthalites, region north of Oxus is given to the Göktürks and the south region to the Sassanid Persians
559: Deira appears
560: Mong Mao founded
560: Vakataka supplanted by Kalachuri
567: Gepids to Avars
568: Lombards abandon Pannonia and invade Northern Italy
569: Milan and Tuscany to Lombards
570: Duchy of Spoleto (Lombard vassal after 573) to Lombards
571: Duchy of Benevento (Lombard vassal after 573) to Lombards
572: Pavia to Lombards
576: The Göktürks cross the Kerch Strait into Crimea
580: The Göktürks raid the Silk Road
581: The Göktürks lay siege on Chersonesus
584: The Göktürk khaganate splits in 2, the Western Gokturk khaganate and the eastern khaganate
587: Slavs rebel against the Byzantine rule.
588: Byzantines lose control over entire Morea except Elis and Corinth , Epirus, Thessaly, Macedonia, Moesia and Dalmatia, (Either show it as “Sclaviniae” or just “Slavs” on the map)
588: The first Perso-Turkic war begins by an invasion of the Persians
589: Sassanid Persia captures Balkh
589: Sassanid Persia crosses the Oxus river and repulses the Turkic occupation in the north of Oxus, taking over former Hephtalite territory, marking an end to the first Perso-Turkic war
595: Kalabhras supplanted by Pallava
600: Daksina gains independence from Kannauj
600: Early settlers coming from the Marquese Islands settle Hawaii
602: Van Xuan to Sui Dynasty
602: Aquitaine gains independence
606: The second Perso-Turkic war begins by an invasion of the Göktürks (assisted by the Hepthalites)
606: Harsha appears
607: The Göktürks overrun Khorasan and raid to as far as Isfahan but withdrew
608: After the withdrewing Göktürks and Hepthalites were defeated, the second Perso-Turkic war marks its end
608: Chalukya conquer Vengi
608: Persians raid Anatolia
610: Later Guptas conquered by Kannauj
610: Beikthano falls
610: E. Roman Empire officially becomes Greek
612: Galuh to Tarumanagara
612: Cicilia and Tarsus to Sassanids, severing the Levants land link to Constantinople
615: Harsha invades Kalachuri and Gujarat
615: The eastern Göktürk khaganate attacked China, surrounding emperor Yang of Sui’s army at Yanmen
615: Persians reach Chalcedon and besiege it
617: Chalcedon falls to the Persians
618: Chi Tu falls
618: Tibetan Empire forms
620: Chalukya invades Kalachuri
620: Chalukya annexes everything south of Narmada
620: Heraclius changes the language of East Rome from Latin to Greek (this may be a better date to change it from “Eastern Roman Empire” to “Byzantine Empire” than 476)
620(or 622): Ankara falls to the Persians
622: Rhodes and other Aegean islands to Persians
624: Eastern Chalukyas gain independence
626: Samo’s uprising
626: The eastern Göktürk khaganate advances to Chang’an, and finally reached the bang of the Wei river, forming an alliance with the Tang dynasty
627: The third Perso-Turkic war begins by the western Göktürks helping the Byzantines against the Sassanids
627: The western Göktürk khaganate (assisted by the Khazars and Byzantines) invades and takes Derbent and Tbilisi
627: Byzantines appear in Tigris, clashing with Persian forces, later on the Byzantines ravage the environs of the Persian capital Ctesiphon
628: South funan falls; Chenla gains independence and takes it
629: Tang annexes eastern Göktürk khaganate territory
630: Thanesar is conquered by Harsha
630: A revolt of Tiele vassal tribes bring down the Qaghan of the eastern Göktürk khaganate, the Tang dynasty defeated the Göktürks at Yinshan which led the Qaghan to flee
630: The eastern Göktürk khaganate collapses and gets incorporated by the Tang
630: The western Göktürk khaganate invades Armenia
630: The Göktürks evacuate from Transcaucasia
632: Karasahr, Kashgar and Khotan submit to the Tang as tributary states
632: Aquitaine to Francia
633: Srihatta conquered by Harsha
634: Deira and Bernicia unties into Northumbria
635: Kingdom of Yarkand surrenders to Chinese’ (Tang) suzerainty
638: Ngoenyang appears
639: Sinai to Rashidun Caliphate
640: Tang dynasty annexes Gaochang
640: Tang dynasty annexes Karakhoja
640: Arabs reach Armenia
640: Eastern Delta to Rashidun Caliphate
641: Nile to Rashidun Caliphate
642: Arabs launch a raid across the Caucasus
642: Western Egypt to Rashidun Caliphate
643: Cyrene to Rashidun Caliphate
644: Tang dynasty invades and annexes Karasahr
645: Greater Syrtis to Rashidun Caliphate
647: Harsha’s Empire fractures
647: Africa to Rashidun Caliphate
648: Kucha surrenders to the Tang, surrounding tribes submit to the Tang
650: Sriwijaya appears
650: Sailendra appears
650: Khazar Khaganate appears
656: Rebellion in Rashidun Caliphate; Africa to Byzantine Empire, Libyan coast neutral
660: Aquitaine gains independence
661: Sindh expands
661: Rashidun Caliphate supplanted by Umayyad Caliphate
662: A western Göktürk rebellion reduces Tang’s western extent to Beshbalik in Northern Xinjiang, ending direct Tang control of Central Asia beyond the Pamir mountains
664: Kalingga appears
665: Umayyad expansion in Egypt
666: Cyrene to Umayyad Caliphate
669 : Tarumanagara disintegrates after Sriwijaya invasion
669: Galuh gains independence
669: Sunda gains independence
670: Libyan Coast to Umayyad Caliphate
670: Tibet invades the Tarim Basin
671: Ifriqiya to Umayyad Caliphate
671: Melayu appears
671: Tambralinga appears
671: Merv to Umayyad Caliphate
672: Umayyad Caliphate reaches Algeria
673: Sri Ksetra appears
673: Umayyad expansion in Algeria
674: Africa to Umayyad Caliphate (except Carthage)
675: Umayyad expansion in Algeria
677: Umayyad Caliphate reaches Morocco
678: Morocco to Umayyad Caliphate (except Tingitana)
679: The Göktürks revolt against the Tang dynasty, leading to a second Göktürk khaganate, while steadily gaining control over the steppes
679: Umayyad Caliphate loses Morocco
681: Bulgaria gains independence from Byzantine empire [REF. 4]
681: Algeria to Byzantine Empire
682: Tunisia and Libyan Coast to Byzantine Empire
683: Greater Syrtis to Byzantine Empire
685: Srivijaya expands
688: Langkasuka to Srivijaya
692: Melayu to Srivijaya
693: Tang dynasty regains control over the Tarim Basin
693: Mauro-Roman Kingdom (or Altava) to Umayyads
693: Greater Syrtis to Umayyad Caliphate
694: Umayyad expansion into Libyan desert
695: Umayyad Caliphate conquers Africa and Algerian desert (except Carthage)
696: Further Umayyad expansion in Algerian desert
697: Morocco to Umayyad Caliphate
698: Carthage to Umayyad Caliphate
699: Final expansion in Moroccan desert
700: Nobatia to Makuria
700: Sao Civilisation supplanted by Kanem Empire
700: Sindh expands into Takka
700: Pan Pan collapses
700: Serer appears
700: Garamantes disappear
700: Polynesia (Modern French one) is settled
705: Bulgaria expands down to Maritza river
705: The Göktürk khaganate (second one) expands as far south as Samarkand, threatening Arab control over Transoxiana
706: Umayyad expansion into Central Asia begins
707: Chenla splits
710: Samarkand to Umayyad Caliphate
712: Afrighids to Umayyad Caliphate
715: Umayyad into Central Asia ends
717: Sindh conquered by Umayyads
718: Gurjara-Pratihara advance to Indus
721: Turges forces defeat the Arabs near Samarkand
724: The Slavic Obotrites Appear in near Denmark and Germany
725: Nala and Daksina unite as Bana
728: Tang dynasty regains control over Kashgar
728: Khazaria gains control over Bukhara
730: Gurjara-Pratihara expansion into Madhya
732: Arabs regain control over Samarkand, Khazaria abandons Bukhara
734: An early Abbasid follower revolts and takes Balkh and Marv
737: Turgesh takes Balkh and Marv
739: Berber Revolt appears
741: Al-Andulas join revolt
743: Berber revolt ends
744: Uighur Khanate appears
745: Fihrid Dynasty appears in Ifriqiya
746: Abbasid Revolution begins
750: Pala appears
750: Umayyad Caliphate supplanted by Abbasid Caliphate
750: Licchavi Kingdom collapses

751 CE - 1000

753: Rashtrakuta supplants Chalukya
755: Kalingga to Sailendra
756: Malwa conquered by Gurjara-Pratihara
756: Umayyad Caliphate supplanted by Emirate of Córdoba
757: Fihrid Dynasty supplanted by Kharijite Dynasty (expands across Algeria)
760: Dabuyid Dynasty ends
762: Kharijite Dynasty supplanted by Abbasid governors (Algeria independent
768: Serbia officially forms a sovereign state
772: Kannauj conquered by Pala
775: Gujarat conquered by Gurjara-Pratihara
794: Takka becomes Hindu Indo-Shahis
786: Rashtrakuta takes towns north of Narmada
786: Frankish empire conquers Siscia
800: Frankish empire conquers Slavonia, Syrmia and Dalmatia.
800: Nazca and Moche cultures vanish
800: Takrur appears
800: Mississippian culture appears
800: Volga Bulgaria appears
801: Aghlabid Dynasty gains independence
804: Avar Khaganate ends
806: Bulgarians conquer parts of Pannonia.
810: Pala expands south
814: Rashtrakuta takes all of Malwa
818: Croatia gains independence from Frankish empire
822: Gurjara-Pratihara retakes Malwa
828: Gurjara-Pratihara invades Kannauj
828: Emirate of Crete appears
836: Gurjara-Pratihara annexes Bihar
839: Dublin appears
840: Gao Empire appears
842: Tibetan Empire collapses
843: Treaty of Verdun; Francia splits
844: Bulgaria conquers Eastern Roumelia, Pirin and Vardar Macedonia.
845: Gurjara-Pratihara vassalises Bengal
847: Emirate of Bari appears
848: Chola rebellion in Pallava
850: Pallava supplanted by Chola except in Kanchi
850: Hausa states appear
855: M. Francia divides
860: Pechenegs appear
864: Alavids appear
868: Tulunid Dynasty gains independence
869: East Anglia falls to the Norse
870: Treaty of Meersen
871: Emirate of Bari ends
873: Tahirids to Saffarids
874: Iceland is settled by Norse settlers (Politically independent to Scandinavia)
876: East Francia invades West Francia
878: All of Wessex, bar the Somerset Levels, falls to the Norse
878: Alfred decisively defeats the Norse
879: East Francia invades West Francia
879: Lower Burgundy gains independence
880: French half of Lotharingia to East Francia
889: Founding of Fraxinetum
890: Sindh regains independence
896: Hungary gains independence from Bulgarian empire
897: Kanchi conquered by Chola
900: Rise of a Toltec state in Tula Grande
900: Zagwe Dynasty supplants Axum
900: Alba appears
900: Alavids end
900: Polynesians reach the Easter Island, founding a civilisation there. Unknown date of its ending
905: Tulunid Dynasty conquered by Abbasid Caliphate
909: Aghlabid Dynasty supplanted by Fatimid Caliphate
911: E. Francia becomes Germany
914: Gurjara-Pratihara partially fractures, creates Kalachuris & Chandellas
914: Pala gains full independence
914: Sindh expands east of Indus
914: Croatia conquers modern-day northwestern Croatia
914: Alavids appear
915: Sailodbhava gains independence in Orissa
916: Rashtrakuta captures Kannauj
917: East Anglia falls to Wessex
918: Bulgaria conquers territories between Bojana and Vojuša rivers.
919: Paramara Kingdom gains independence
919: Sallarid dynasty appears
920: Pandya conquered by Chola
920: Marca Geronis to Germany
921: Kannauj conquered by Gurjara-Pratihara
924: Bulgaria conquers Thrace and Epirus
925: Bulgaria temporarily annexes Rascia
925: Croatia temporarily annexes Bosnia
925: Surviving littoral Serbia falls apart
925: State of Zachumlia establishes dominance over the other littoral Serbian states.
926: Bengal lost by Palas
926: Serbs liberate Rascia and Bosnia and expand further east (Belgrade, Mačva…)
928: Alavids end
933: Upper Burgundy to lower Burgundy
945: Solanki gains independence
948: Niri appears
949: Cholas border with Rashtrakuta changes
955: The Obotrites become vassals of the Holy Roman Empire
955: Rani appears
956: Chauhan gains independence
960: Serbia loses Bosnia, Rascia, Travunia and Zachumlia to the Byzantine empire, only Pagania and Zeta survive.
961: Croatia conquers Bosnia
965: Hungary conquers Transylvania and parts of Wallachia and Moldova.
967: Emirate of Crete falls to the Byzantine Empire
968: Byzantine empire conquers Eastern Roumelia, Epirus and Thessaly.
969: Byzantine empire conquers Lower Moesia
969: Egypt to Fatimid Caliphate
969: Kievan Rus’ conquers Wallachia and Moldova
970: Syria to Fatimid Caliphate
971: Byzantine empire annexes Bulgaria
973: Fall of Fraxinetum
973: Zirid Dynasty established as Fatimid vassal
973: Western Chalukya supplants Rashtrakutas
976: Bulgarian rebels start an independence war.
977: Bulgaria gains independence.
977: Ghaznavid appears
977: Kusdar appears
978: Bulgaria conquers Epirus
979: Bulgaria conquers Moesia and Wallachia
985: Greenland appers
986: Vinland appears
987: W. Francia becomes France
988: Northern Bengal conquered by Pala
990: Sultanate of Mogadishu appears
991: Eastern Bengal conquered by Pala
993: Anuradhapura vassalised by Cholas
995: Western Gangas conquered by Cholas
995: The Obotrites are no longer vassals
999: The Karakhanids reconquer the city of Bukhara
999: Hungary appears
1000: Kashmir expands
1000: Serbian state of Pagania annexed by Venice
1000: Bulgarians temporarily annex Serbian state of Zeta
1000: Markland and Helluland appear

1001 - 1250

1001: Zeta breaks apart from Bulgaria
1002: Pact between Zeta and Bulgaria formed
1002: Kusdar annexed to Ghaznavids
1004: Bohemia to HRE
1008: Abkhazia becomes Georgia
1010: Chola annexes Vengi
1010: Ghaznavid takes Indo-Shahi
1010: Pechenegs enter Wallachia
1014: Hammadid Dynasty gains independence from Zirid Dynasty
1014: Chola takes Andaman & Nicobar
1014: Byzantine empire conquers Moesia and northern Vardar Macedonia.
1017: Polonnaruwa supplants Anuradhapura
1018: Ghaznavid captures Kannauj
1018: Bulgaria annexed by the Byzantines.
1018: Zeta is Byzantine vassal
1018: Byzantines vassalise Croatia.
1021: Chola drive north
1023: Pegu is Chola vassal
1024: Soomra is Ghaznavid vassal
1025: Sumatra to Chola
1026: Hoysala gains independence from Western Chalukya
1034: Zeta reconquers Rascia, Travunia and Zachumlia.
1034: Zeta changes its name to Serbia
1034: Serbia gains absolute independence from the Byzantine empire
1036: Gurjara-Pratihara supplanted by Kalachuri and Tanwar
1043: Ghaznavid loses ground to Seljuq
1045: Tambralinga is Chola vassal
1049: Zirid Dynasty gains independence
1050: Rise of Cahokia in North America
1050: Rise of the first Mossi kingdoms in the Upper Volta
1050: Chandella expands into Paramara
1056: Pegu lost to Bagan
1060: Byzantine empire conquers Rascia.
1066: Tambralinga and Sumatra lost by Chola
1069: Bana to Kalachuri
1070: Senas gain independence in Bengal
1072: Dublin is locally ruled
1075: Mapungubwe Kingdom appears
1077: Kamarupa to Pala
1078: Eastern Ganga supplants Kalinga as Chola vassal
1082: Serbia reconquers Rascia and Bosnia.
1083: Serbia reaches Dyrrachium on the south
1090: Gahadavala gains independence
1092: Zubu revolt against the Liao dynasty begins
1096: The Byzantine Empire retakes Nicea
1098: The Crusaders take Antioch
1099: The Crusaders take Jerusalem
1100: Zubu revolt against the Liao dynasty defeated
1102: Hungary annexes Croatia
1113: Serbia falls apart. Sates of Pagania, Hum, Zeta, Rascia and Bosnia are created
1118: Rascia annexes Zeta, Hum and Pagania.
1118: Eastern Gangas is Chalukya vassal
1118: Western Chalukya annexes Vengi
1118: Munster fractures
1120: Sindh is Ghaznavid vassal
1120: Viking colonies in N. America lost
1126: Chola invades Vengi
1127: Cholas annex Vengi
1133: Kamarupa gains independence
1137: Zagwe Dynasty supplanted by Ethiopian Empire
1138: Bosnia annexed by Hungary
1141: Khwarezm is independent
1148: Normans conquer Ifriqiya; Hammadids expand east
1150: Fall of the Toltecs in Tula Grande
1150: Kipchaks appear
1150: Bono State appears
1150: Kitara Empire appears
1150: Eastern Gangas to Chalukyas
1152: Ghurid supplants Ghaznavid
1162: Pala supplanted by Sena (south),Bengal (east), and Govindapala (north)
1163: Kakatiya gains independence
1165: Ghurid takes western Gahadavala
1167: The Obotrites unite with Mecklenburg
1171: Fatimid Caliphate supplanted Ayyubid Sultanate and Banu Kanz
1172: Nuban revolt in Upper Egypt appears
1172: Ayyubid raid against Nubia
1173: Ghurid takes Gahadavala
1173: Banu Kanz is Ayyubid vassal
1174: Ghurid takes Chauhan
1174: Banu Kanz revolt in Upper Egypt
1175: Banu Kanz pushed from Aswan to northern Makuria by Ayyubids
1178: Danishmends to Rum
1180: Benin Empire appears
1180: Showa Sultanate appears
1183: Serbia regains control over Kosovo and today’s eastern Serbia.
1186: Bulgaria gains independence
1187: Bengal conquered by Sena
1189: Serbia conquers Znepolje (modern-day south-western Bulgaria)
1189: Yadava supplants Western Chalukya
1190: Sosso Empire appears
1195: Arakan conquered by Sena
1197: Bulgaria gains control over Znepolje, Vidin, Djerdap, Mačva, Syrmia, Pirin Macedonia and eastern Vardar Macedonia
1197: Deheubarth to Wales
1198: Livonian Order Appears in Latvia
1200: Daju Empire appears
1200: Merkits conquered by Genghis Khan
1200: All Bengal united under Senas
1200: Polynesians settle Aotearoa (New Zealand)
1200: Italian in use
1202: Ghurid raid in Bengal
1200: Mthethwa Paramountcy appears
1204: Naimans conquered by Genghis Khan
1205: Lithuania appears
1206: Ghurids split into Ghor, Ghazni, Lahore and Delhi
1206: Bulgaria gains control over the parts of Thrace
1207: Ghor to Khwarazm
1207: Kalachuri collapses
1212: Pandya gains independence from Chola
1212: Andaman and Nicobar lost
1212: Bulgaria loses control over Djerdap, Mačva and Syrmia (to Hungary), today’s Eastern Serbia (to Serbia) and previously gained parts of Thrace and Macedonia (to Byzantines).
1215: Ghazni to Khwarazm (Indus territory to Delhi, now a Sultanate)
1215: Mogadishu Sultanate supplanted by Ajuran Sultanate
1216: Gwynedd to Wales
1217: Khwarazm expands against Lahore
1218: Warsangali Sultanate appears
1220: Mapungubwe Kingdom supplanted by Zimbabwe Kingdom
1220: Kimeks to Mongol Empire
1220: Mongol Empire invades Transoxiana
1221: Mongols invade India
1221: Mongols expand in India
1221: Sooma gains independence
1227: Pomerania to HRE
1230: Sena supplanted by Delhi (west), and Deva (east)
1230: Mossi kingdoms appear
1230: Bulgaria re-conquers previously owned parts of Thrace and Macedonia, and conquers most of today’s Albania.
1231: Wallachia, Moldova and Epirus become vassals to Bulgaria
1235: Sosso Empire expands against Ghana
1235: Zayyanid kingdom of Tlemcen gains independence from Almohad Caliphate
1236: Lithuania becomes a Grand Duchy
1238: Epirus declares full independence from Bulgaria.
1240: Mongols conquer Moldova, Wallachia and Dobrogea
1240: Lithuania Expand East and South
1240: Kamarupa collapses
1240: Mali Empire appears, starts expanding against Ghana and Sosso
1241: Lahore to Mongol Empire
1242: Prussian Revolt appears in the Teutonic Order
1242: Volga Bulgaria to Mongol Empire
1243: Prussian Revolt Expands
1244: Prussian revolt defeats the Teutonic Knights at Rensen
1243: Vaghela supplants Solanki
1245: Epirus conquers parts of Thrace previously owned by Bulgaria.
1245: Serbia conquers lands between Djerdap and Drina.
1247: Nicaea conquers entire Thrace, Roumelia, Pirin and Aegean Macedonia
1249: Prussian revolt taken down
1250: Mali Empire stops expanding
1250: New Zealand settled

1251 - 1500

1260: Delhi expands west and takes Soomra
1260: Great Prussian Revolt Appears in the Teutonic Order in
1261: Great Prussian Revolt expands
1262: Kakatiya expands into Yadava
1262: Iceland to Norway
1263:The Great Prussian Revolt expands
1263: Lithuania Shrinks to what it was in 1236
1264: The Great Prussian Revolt takes Bartenstein
1264: Punjab to Delhi Sultanate
1266: Man to Scotland
1272: Great Prussian revolt shrinks
1274: Great Prussian Revolt is Taken Down
1276: Serbia conquers northern Bosnia
1279: Pandya conquer Chola
1282: Golden horde conquers entire eastern Bulgaria.
1282: Serbia reaches Thessaloniki peninsula and Aegean
1283: Serbia gains control over Syrmia
1283: Wales is English protectorate
1285: Serbia conquers most of Vardar Macedonia and modern-day Albania
1286: Alba becomes Scotland
1289: Eastern Gangas gains against Kakatiya
1290: Delhi Sultanate appears (Khilji)
1290: Paramara expands east
1291: Serbia conquers Vidin.
1291. Bulgarian army reaches Dobrogea and liberates it from Golden Horde
1293: Formation of the Kingdom of Majapahit
1294: Wales gains independence
1295: Wales is English protectorate
1297: Gujarat annexed by Delhi
1300: Cahokia is abandoned
1300: The Tarascan state forms
1301: Paramara Shrinks
1310: Polonnaruwa supplanted by Yapahuwa
1311: Duchy of Athens to Aragon
1312: Delhi annexes Paramara
1316: Autonomy in northern Serbia abolished.
1316: Bosnia conquers northern Bosnia from Serbia
1317: Syrmia and Mačva annexed by Hungary.
1320: Lithuania annexes The principality of Halych-Volynia and expands
1321: Delhi Sultanate appears (Tughlaq)
1323: Delhi takes Kakatiya; Reddis gains independence
1323: Serbia loses control over Pagania and Zachumlia to Bosnia.
1325: Delhi gains against Eastern Gangas
1327: Delhi raid in Hoysala
1330: Delhi annexed Pandya
1330: Wallachia and Moldova establish themselves as separate states.
1331: Bulgaria becomes vassal to Serbia
1334: Serbia conquers entire Macedonia
1335: Madurai appears
1336: Vijayanagara gains independence
1340: Bosnia becomes independent
1342: Majapahit conquers Bali; Bali becomes a vassal

For the following years, use the following gif (, in conjunction with the WIkipedia article), to map out the expansion & decline of the Majapahit empire.
1342: Bengal civil war
1343: Hoysala annexed by Delhi
1345: Vijayanagara expands
1345: Serbia conquers modern-day Albania and Serres
1346: Arcot Sultanate gains independence
1346: Sultanate of Kashmir appears
1347: Chagatai Khanate splits
1347: Bahmani gains independence from Delhi
1348: Serbia conquers southern Thrace, Epirus and Thessaly.
1350: Serbia conquers Bosnia.
1350: Rise of the Jolof Empire
1351: Samma supplants Soomra
1352: Bosnia gets independence from Serbia
1352: Bengal fully independent
1352: Sarbadars to Ilkhanate
1353: Ilkhanate to Sarbadars
1354: Mačva and Syrmia re-conquered by Serbia
1352: Phagmodrupa appears
1355: Hungary conquers southern Dalmatia and Syrmia from Serbia
1357: Lithuania expands deeper into the russian states
1361: Polonnaruwa supplanted by Raigama
1362: Lithuania expands into the Black Sea
1365: Bulgaria declares absolute independence from Serbia
1365: Ottomans reach eastern coast of Thessaloniki peninsula
1365: Epirus and Thessaly declare independence from Serbia
1366: Epirus and Thessaly conquer modern-day Albania
1367: The state of Dejanović declares independence from Serbia
1369: Independence of states owned by Mrnjavčević brothers from Serbia
1371: Bulgaria disintegrates. The states of Vidin, Tarnovo and Dobrogea are formed
1371: Complete disintegration of Serbia. States of Moravian Serbia, Kosovar Serbia, Zeta, and state of Nikola Altomanović are created.
1372: Ottomans conquer large chunks of land in south of Tarnovo.
1373: State of Nikola Altomanović is split between Moravian Serbia and Bosnia.
1373: Moravian Serbia expands further south.
1374: Vijayanagara annexes Arcot
1378: Madurai to Vijayanagara
1380: Bornu Empire appears
1382: Khandesh Sultanate appears
1387: The Ming defeat the Uriyangkhad horde and annex Manchuria
1388: Aragon loses Achaea
1389: Bosnia expands to the west.
1389: Kastrioti principality appears
1392: Bosnia loses control over entire Dalmatia, Herzegovina and territories western from Drina. The states of Stefan Vukčić, Sandalj Hranić and Pavle Radenović are formed.
1393: Ottomans conquer Tarnovo.
1394: Janpur Sultanate gains independence
1395: Ottomans conquer Mrnjavčević and Dragaš states (entire Macedonia)
1396: Ottomans conquer Vidin
1397: Ottomans conquer Dobogea.
1397: Kosovian Serbia unites with Moravian Serbia.
1398: Punjab annexed by Timurid
1400: Wales gains independence
1404: Vijayanagara takes Krishna
1407: Gujarat Sultanate appears
1412: Raigama supplanted by Kotte (except in south)
1414: Delhi Sultanate appears (Sayyid)
1415: Wales is English protectorate
1421: Zeta unites with Serbia, forming Serbian Despotate.
1422: Serbian Despotate conquers western Roumelia (Znepolje)
1427: State of Stefan Vukčić annexed by Hungary
1427: Portugal conquers the Azores
1434: Eastern Gangas supplanted by Gajapati
1435: Ringpungpa appears
1438: Khanate of Kazan appears
1439: State of Pavle Radenović divided by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
1439: Littoral Zeta gains independence from Serbian Despotate.
1439: Serbian Despotate annexed by Ottomans.
1444: Serbian Despotate reappears as Ottoman Vassal.
1444: League of Lezhe appears. (choose to write either “Albania” or “Epirus”)
1445: Northern Yuan/Oirats, under Esen, is extended to the northern border of Korea
1446: Ceylon is Vijayanagara tributary
1448: Reddy annexed by Vijayanagara
1449: Tumu Crisis; Northern Yuan/Oirats seizes areas from the northwest of Beijing to Liaodong peninsula (I am unsure of when the N. Yuan had lost these conquered territories; if no evidence found, show losses in 1455)
1450: Greenland ends
1450: African advanced culture expands
1451: Delhi Sultanate appears (Lodhi)
1451: Kashmir appears
1453: Punjab annexed by Delhi
1453: Constantinople to Ottomans (Ottomans reform into an Empire)
1453: Despotate of Morea (dvided) appears
1456: Kazakh Khanate appears
1459: Serbian Despotate annexed by Ottomans.
1460: Despotate of Morea annexed by Ottomans
1461: Trebizond conquered by the Ottomans
1463: Bosnia annexed by Ottomans
1466: Astrakhan Khanate appears
1467: Jaffna appears
1468: Orkney to Scotland
1469: Kingdom of Kandy appears
1475: Principality of Theodoro falls to the Ottomans
1479: Janpur to Delhi
1480: Herzegovina annexed by Ottomans
1480: Ottomans capture Otranto in Italy
1481: Ottomans lose Otranto
1482: Delhi gains against Malwa
1485: Rinpungpa conquers rest of Phag
1489: Cyprus to Venice
1490: Ahmadnagar Sultanate appears
1490: Khanate of Sibir appears
1490: Sultanate of Bijapur appears
1490: Berar Sultanate appears
1490: Rise of the Denanke Kingdom in Senegal
1496: Zeta annexed by Ottomans
1497: Songhai Empire declares war on the Mossi kingdoms
1498: Portugal establishes Calicut
1500: Portugal establishes Cochin
1500: Rinpungpa expands into Yarlung Tsangpo

1501 - 1600

1501: Portugal establishes Cannanore
1504: Sultanate of Sennar appears
1505: Portugal establishes Colombo
1507: Portugal establishes Nagapatnam
1507: Portugal establishes Matara
1508: Portugal establishes Galle
1510: Portugal establishes Goa
1518: Golkonda appears
1518: Rinpungpa recedes from Yarlung Tsangpo
1521: Sitawaka gains independence
1522: Rise of the Sultanate of Bagirmi (southeast of Lake Chad)
1522: Portugal establishes Tricomale
1523: Kalmar Union ends; Norway and Iceland to Denmark
1524: Samma supplanted by Arghun
1526: Mughal Empire supplants Delhi
1527: Bahmani annexed by Golkonda
1527: Venezulea created
1529: Madurai appears
1530: The Tarascan Empire falls to Spanish control
1531: New Galicia is created
1532: Tanjore appears
1533: Portugal establishes Bassein
1534: Brazilian Captaincy-Generals etablished
1535: Portugal establishes Diu
1537: Neo-Incan state established in Vilcabamba
1537: Rise of the Kaabu Empire in the Senegambia region
1538: Sitawaka takes Raigama
1540: Mughal Empire supplanted by Sur Empire
1540: Merina Kingdom founded
1542: Wales to England
1549: Jolof Empire becomes a rump kingdom
1549: Brazilian Captaincy-generals unite
1554: Arghun supplanted by Tarkhan
1555: Mughals take back Delhi
1555: Bengal regains independence
1556: Mysore gains independence
1562: New Biscay is created
1565: Sitawaka expands north
1565: Tsangpa appears in southern 1/2 of Ringpungpa
1565: New Navarre is created
1567: Vilcabamba becomes vassal of the Spanish
1576: S. Florida to Spain
1569: Union of Lublin
1572: Brazil partitioned
1572: Vilcabamba is conquered by the Spanish
1572: Berar annexed by Admadnagar
1576: Bengal annexed by Mughals
1578: Brazil reunified
1582: Sitawaka takes Kandy
1585: Coastal New Santandar to Spain
1587: Sitawaka gains against Kotte
1590: Rest of Rinpungpa conquered by Tsangpa
1591: Mughals annex Sindh
1594: Mughals expand west
1594: Sitawaka collapses
1598: Portugal establishes Masulipatam
1600: Netherlands establishes Pulicat

1601 - 1700

1601: Mughals annexe Khandesh
1603: Rise of the Sultanate of Darfur
1605: Portugal establishes Syriam
1607: Brazil partitioned
1609: Netherlands gains independence
1613: Surat to England
1613: Brazil reunified
1615: Bijapur expands
1616: Masulipatnam to Netherlands
1619: Bidar annexed by Bijapur
1619: Smeerenburg established by Netherlands
1620: Mughals annex Kashmir
1620: Inland Libya to Ottomans
1620: Denmark-Norway establishes Tranquebar
1621: Brazil divides
1625: Portugal establishes Chinsura
1627: Saint Vincent to England
1632: Mughals gain against Gondwana and Gajapati
1632: Dominica to France
1635: Rise of the Wadai Sultanate east of Lake Chad
1635: Martinique to France
1636: Guadeloupe to France
1636: Aruba to Netherlands
1637: Tobago to Courland
1638: Ahmadnagar annexed by Mughals
1641: Dejima to Netherlands
1642: Tibet to Khoshut Khanate
1643: Saint Lucia to France
1646: Venad supplants Vijayanagara
1649: Gingee to Bijapur
1649: Grenada to France
1657: Smeerenburg ends
1658: England takes Hughli
1661: Bombay to England
1663: New France becomes a province
1669: Cochin to Netherlands
1674: Maratha Empire appears
1680: Maratha expedition south
1681: Gajapati to Mughals
1682: Golkonda to Mughals
1682: Vizagapatam establishes by England
1684: France lands in Texas
1686: Bijapur to Mughals
1689: China-Russia border adjustment
1690: Courland loses Tobago
1697: Baja expansion
1698: Marathas collapse in Gingee

1701 - 1800

1701: Denkyira becomes tributary of the Ashanti Kingdom, reversing the status quo
1704: Mysore border change
1705: Marathas revived
1707: England and Scotland join together to form Great Britain
1710: Carnatic independent
1711: Greenland expands
1712: Rise of the Bambara Empire in Mali
1715: Morea to Ottomans
1716: Sikh Confederacy appears
1717: Marathas gains are annexed
1717: Nawabs of Bengal appears
1717: Khoshut Khanate dissolves
1719: Liechtenstein gains independence
1719: Saint Vincent to France
1724: Hyderabad gains independence from Mughals
1724: Oudh gains independence from Mughals
1725: Sindh gains independence
1725: France establishes Yanam
1725: France establishes Mahe
1725: Rise of the Imamate of Futa Jallon in Guinea (West Africa)
1729: Travancore supplants Venad
1732: Maratha drive towards Delhi
1736: Madurai to Carnatic
1737: Maratha-Mughal peace
1739: Marathas annex Daman
1739: France establishes Karikal
1740: Andaman and Nicobar to Maratha
1745: Jacobite uprising; Scotland and northern England fall to Bonnie Prince Charles
1746: Defeat of the Jacobite uprising
1746: Madras occupied by France
1746: New Santandar to Spain
1747: Durrani Empire appears
1748: Madras returned
1751: State of Maranhão becomes State of Maranhão and Grão-Pará
1752: Mughals are Maratha vassals
1754: France retreats to Yanam
1756: Nicobar to Denmark
1757: Delhi raided by Durrani
1757: Bengal is EIC puppet state
1761: Delhi taken by Durrani Empire
1761: More S. America adjustments
1763: EIC gains N. Circars
1764: Corsica to France
1765: Bengal is annexed to EIC
1766: Lorraine to France
1768: Nepal gains Independence
1769: Spanish being to colonise California [RESEARCH]
1769: First Anglo-Mysore War ends; Mysore expands
1771: Marathas invade Delhi
1772: Delhi annexed by Marathas
1772: State of Maranhão and Grão-Pará becomes State of Grão-Pará and Rio Negro AND State of Maranhão and Piauí
1772: First Partition of Poland
1775: Brazil absorbs all Portuguese colonies in S. America
1776: Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata appears
1776: Rise of the Imamate of Futa Toro in the Senegal River valley; Denanke Kingdom falls to the Imamate
1776: The United States gains independence from Great Britain
1777: Austra expands against Moldavia
1778: Treaty of El Pardo
1779: Crimean is Russian vassal
1781: Nagapatam to EIC
1782: Minorca to Spain
1783: United States’ independence recognised
1783: Crimean Khanate to Russia
1789: EIC settles Andaman islands
1793: Second Partition of Poland
1795: Travancore is EIC vassal
1796: Dutch colonies occupied
1799: Mysore is EIC vassal, sounding territories annexed
1799: Sikh Confederacy supplanted by Sikh Empire

1801 - 1900

1802: Peace of Amiens, Dutch colonies restored
1802: Bahawalpur gains independence
1803: Delhi Territory created
1803: Nizam is EIC vassal
1804: Haiti gains its independence from France.
1804: Rise of the Sokoto Caliphate in Northern Nigeria
1804: First Serbian uprising starts.
1805: Ceded and Conquered Provinces created
1806: Egypt Gains independence from the Ottoman Empire
1810: Colombia gains independence
1810: Chile gains independence
1811: Paraguay gains independence
1811: Venezuela gains Independence
1813: First Serbian uprising ends.
1814: Dutch colonies in Malabar given to EIC
1815: De facto independent principality of Serbia is created
1815: Nepalese border settleled (Treaty of Sugauli)
1816: Oudh is EIC vassal
1816: Kumaun to Ceded and Conquered Territories
1816: Argentina gains Independence
1817: Rajputana becomes Rajputana Agency (EIC puppet)
1817: Ajmer-Merwara Province created
1818: Nagpur Kingdom created
1818: Rise of the Massina Empire in Mali
1820: [CHECK REF. 8]
1821: Sultanate of Sennar falls to Egypt
1821: Peru gains independence
1821: Costa Rica gains Independence
1821: El Salvador gains Independence
1821: Guatemala gains Independence
1821: Honduras gains Independence
1821: Nicaragua gains Independence
1822: Ecuador gains Independence
1822: Brazil gains Independence
1824: Remaining Dutch colonies given to EIC
1825: Bolivia gains Independence
1825: Uruguay gains Independence
1825: Massina Empire conquers Timbuktu
1826: First Anglo-Burmese War ends; Bengal expands east
1826: Durrani Empire collapses
1828: Greece appears as Ottoman Vassal.
1829: Greece gains Independence
1830: Belgium gains Independence
1831: Mysore becomes a province
1832: Delhi Territory to Ceded and Conquered Provinces (Two Princely States created)
1832: Greece appears independent.
1833: Bahawalpur is EIC vassal
1834: Ceded and Conquered Provinces becomes Agra Presidency
1836: Agra Presidency becomes North-Western Provinces
1838: Khairpur is EIC vassal
1839: Luxembourg gains independence
1839: Baluchistan and Kalat to EIC
1843: Sindh is EIC province
1844: The Dominican Republic gains Independence
1846: Sikh Empire cedes Jullundur Doab
1847: Liberia gains Independence
1849: Punjab Province created
1852: Second Anglo-Burmese War; Pegu annexed by EIC
1853: Nagpur becomes a province
1854: Central India Agency is created
1854: Dejima to Japan
1855: Carnatic annexed by EIC
1857: Sepoy Rebellion
1858: British Raj supplants EIC
1858: Oudh joins North-Western Provinces
1858: Former Delhi Territory to Punjab
1859: Imamate of Futa Toro is annexed by the French
1861: Rise of the Toucouleur Empire in Mali; the Bambara Empire collapses
1861: The Confederate States of America secede from the Union
1861: Italy is formed
1861: Central Provinces created out of Saugor & Nerbudda and Nagpur
1862: Massina Empire collapses because of invasion by the Toucouleur Empire
1863: Kalat expands in the south
1864: Tashkent to Russia
1867: Kaabu Empire falls to the Imamate of Futa Jallon
1867: Canada becomes a dominion
1867: Samarkand to Russia
1868: Denmark sells Nicobar Island to British Raj
1868: Bukara to Russia
1869: Remaining Danish colonies sold to British Raj
1871: Germany is formed.
1871: The Germans annex Alsace-Lorraine
1872: Kalat expands in north
1873: Khiva to Russia
1874: Sultanate of Darfur becomes an Ottoman protectorate
1875: Jolof Kingdom falls to the Imamate of Futa Jallon
1877 Romania gains Independence
1878: North-West Frontier Province created
1878: Bulgaria gains Independence
1880: Final expansion in the west
1882: Egypt annexed by the Great Britain
1885: Third Anglo-Burmese War; Upper Burma annexed by British Raj
1887: Maldives are British protectorate
1890: Western portion of the Toucouleur Empire falls to the French
1893: Fall of the Toucouleur Empire
1893: Bornu Empire falls to the British
1896: Ethiopia gains Independence
1896: Imamate of Futa Jallon is conquered by the French
1896: The Ashanti Kingdom is annexed by Britain
1897: Destruction of Benin City by the British and the end of the Benin Empire
1897: Sultanate of Bagirmi becomes a French protectorate
1898: The Philippines gain Independence.
1899: Kashmir recedes in size on eastern border

1901 - Present

1901: Australia federates
1902: Cuba gains Independence
1902: North-Western Provinces becomes United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
1902: The Philippine Republic is defeated by the United States
1903: Panama gains Independence
1903: Berar becomes a province
1903: Central Provinces recession on eastern boundary
1903: Sokoto Caliphate falls to the British
1905: Norway regains Independence
1905: Partition of Bengal into Western Bengal and Eastern Bengal & Assam
1906: The Idrisid Emirate of Asir is founded
1907: New Zealand gains Independence
1909: Wadai Sultanate falls to the French
1910: South Africa gains Independence
1912: Albania gains Independence
1912: Assam separated as new province
1912: Bihar separated as new province (with Orissa)
1912: Bengal reunited
1916: Sultanate of Darfur to Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
1917: Finland declares Independence
1918: Estonia gains Independence
1918: Poland gains Independence
1918: Iceland becomes constituent kingdom
1918: Azerbaijan declares independence
1918: Armenia declares independence
1918: Georgia declares independence
1919: Afghanistan declares Independence
1920: Soviet Union annexes Azerbaijan
1920: Soviet Union annexes Armenia
1921: Soviet Union annexes Georgia
1921: United Provinces of Agra and Oudh becomes United Provinces of British India
1921: Ireland Declares Independence
1922: Egypt gains Independence
1923: Turkey gains Independence
1925: Saudi Arabia annexes Hejaz
1929: The Vatican City gains independence
1931: Statute of Westminster
1932: Hejaz and Jad becomes Saudi Arabia
1932: Iraq gains Independence
1934: The Idrisid Emirate of Asir is annexed by Saudi Arabia
1936: Bihar and Orissa separate
1936: Central Provinces and Berar created from Central Provinces and Berar
1937: Burma separated as a colony
1938: Annexation of Austria “Anschluss”
1939: Partition of Czechoslovakia
1942: Andaman and Nicobar occupied by Japan
1942: Burma occupied by Japan
1943: Lebanon gains Independence
1944: Andaman and Nicobar Islands restored
1945: North Korea gains Independence
1945: South Korea gains Independence
1945: Indonesia gains Independence
1945: Partition of Germany
1945: Partition of Austria
1945: Burma restored
1946: Syria gains Independence
1946: Jordan gains Independence
1947: India gains independence
1947: Pakistan gains independence
1947: Hyderabad gains independence
1948: India annexes Hyderabad
1948: Burma gains independence
1948: Ceylon gains independence
1948: Israel gains Independence
1949: Laos gains Independence
1949: West Germany is formed
1949: East Germany is formed
1949: Bhutan gains Independence
1950: India becomes a republic
1951: Libya gains Independence
1953: Cambodia gains Independence
1954: French India given to Republic of India
1955: Austria is reunified
1956: Pakistan becomes republic
1956: Sudan gains Independence
1956: Morocco gains Independence
1956: Tunisia gains Independence
1957: Ghana gains Independence
1957: Malaysia gains Independence
1958: Guinea gains Independence
1960: Cameroon gains Independence
1960: Senegal gains Independence
1960: Togo gains Independence
1960: Republic of the Congo gains Independence
1960: Somalia gains Independence
1960: Madagascar gains Independence
1960: Benin gains Independence
1960: Niger gains Independence
1960: Burkina Faso gains Independence
1960: Cote d'Ivoire gains Independence
1960: Chad gains Independence
1960: The Central African Republic gains Independence
1960: The Democratic Republic of the Congo gains Independence
1960: Cyprus gains Independence
1960: Gabon gains Independence
1960: Mali gains Independence
1960: Nigeria gains Independence
1960: Mauritania gains Independence
1961: Sierra Leone gains Independence
1961 Kuwait gains Independence
1961: Portuguese India conquered by Republic of India
1962: Sino-Indian War
1962: Samoa gains Independence
1962: Burundi gains Independence
1962: Rwanda gains Independence
1962: Algeria gains Independence
1962: Jamaica gains Independence
1962: Trinidad and Tobago gain Independence
1962: Uganda gains Independence
1963: Kenya gains Independence
1963: Indo-Pakistan agreement
1964: Tanzania gains Independence
1964: Malawi gains Independence
1964: Malta gains Independence
1964: Zambia gains Independence
1965: The Gambia gains Independence
1965: The Maldives gain Independence
1965: Singapore gains Independence
1966: Guyana gains Independence
1966: Botswana gains Independence
1966: Lesotho gains Independence
1966: Barbados gains Independence
1967: Biafra declares independence
1968: Nauru gains Independence
1968: Mauritius gains Independence
1968: Swaziland gains Independence
1968: Equatorial Guinea gains Independence
1970: Tonga gains Independence
1970: Fiji gains Independence
1970: Biafra is overrun and annexed into Nigeria
1971: Bangladesh gains Independence
1971: Bahrain gains Independence
1971: Qatar gains Independence
1971: United Arab Emirates gains Independence
1972: Ceylon becomes republic (as Sri Lanka)
1972: Japan annexes the Ryukyu islands
1973: Guinea-Bissau becomes independent from Portugal
1973: Bahamas become independent from Britain
1974: Grenada gains Independence
1975: Mozambique gains Independence
1975: Cape Verde gains Independence
1975: Comoros gains Independence
1975: Sao Tome and Principe gains Independence
1975: Papua New Guinea gains Independence
1975: Angola gains Independence
1975: Suriname gains Independence
1976: Seychelles gains Independence
1977: Djibouti gains Independence
1978: The Soloman Islands gain Independence
1978: Tuvalu gains Independence
1978: Dominica gains Independence
1979: Saint Lucia gains Independence
1979: Kiribati gains Independence
1979: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines gain Independence
1980: Zimbabwe gains Independence
1980: Vanuatu gains Independence
1981: Antigua and Barbuda gains Independence
1981: Belize gains Independence
1983: Saint Kitts and Nevis gain Independence
1984: Brunei gains Independence
1985: (+) (Unrecognized) Tamil Eelam from Sri Lanka; Jaffna falls to the Tamil Tigers
1986: Marshall Islands gain Independence
1986: The Federated States of Micronesia gain Independence
1990: Lithuania gains Independence
1990: Namibia gains Independence
1990: Yemen gains Independence
1990: West and East Germany reunite into Germany
1991: Georgia gains Independence
1991: Croatia gains Independence
1991: Slovenia gains Independence
1991: Kyrgyzstan gains Independence
1991: Russia gains Independence
1991: Belarus gains Independence
1991: Moldova gains Independence
1991: Azerbaijan gains Independence
1991: Uzbekistan gains Independence
1991: Latvia gains Independence
1991: Macedonia gains Independence
1991: Tajikistan gains Independence
1991: Armenia gains Independence
1991: Turkmenistan gains Independence
1991: Ukraine gains Independence
1991: Kazakhstan gains Independence
1991: (+) (Unrecognized) Republic of Somaliland declares independence from Somalia
1991: (+) De-facto independence of Iraqi Kurdistan from Iraq
1991: (+) (Unrecognized) Chechen Republic of Ichkeria from Russia
1991: (+) (Unrecognized) Nagorno-Karabakh declares independence from Azerbaijan
1992: (+) (Unrecognized) Transnistria from Moldova (I oversimplified here)
1992: (+) (Unrecognized) South Ossetia from Georgia
1992: Bosnia and Herzegovina gains Independence
1993: Czech Republic gains Independence
1993: Slovakia gains Independence
1993: Eritrea gains Independence
1993: (+) (Unrecognized) Abkhazia from Georgia
1994: Palau gains Independence
2002: East Timor gains Independence
2006: Montenegro gains Independence
2006: Serbia gains Independence
2008: (Unrecognized) Kosovo gains Independence
2011: South Sudan gains Independence
2013: (Unrecognized) United Federated States of Bangsamoro Republik from the Philippines
09/28/2013: (-) United Federated States of Bangsamoro Republik to the Philippines
2014: Russia annexes Crimea
2014: (Unrecognized) Donetsk People’s Republic from Ukraine
2014: (Unrecognized) Luhansk People’s Republic from Ukraine
2014: The Tobruk-based Council of Deputies government initiates operations against the forces of the Tripoli-based GNC (Libya)
2014: (Unrecognized) ISIL captures Mosul; within the month, they conquer large swathes of Syria and Iraq and declare themselves to be a State


[REF. 1]
[REF. 2]
[REF. 3]
[REF. 4]
[REF. 5]
[REF. 6]
[REF. 7]
[REF. 8]
[REF. 9]
[REF. 10]



Pós-Doutorando pelo Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ); Doutor em Geografia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (PGE-UEM); Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos Urbanos (GEUR/UEM) e do Observatório das Metrópoles (UFRJ e UEM). Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná (IFPR); Consultor da UNESCO/MEC; Conselheiro no Conselho Municipal de Planejamento e Gestão Territorial (CMPGT) de Maringá (PR) e Delegado da Assembléia de Planejamento e Gestão Territorial 5 (APGT-5) de Maringá (PR).
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